
“The only reason some people get lost in thought is because it’s unfamiliar territory.”

In Uncategorized on November 9, 2011 at 12:19 am

So I was at work and my manager was trying to explain why the salt is sticking together inside the bottles on the table. Its something about humidity on the patio making the salt wet, and right as he said that she interrupted and said
“But isn’t it supposed to be wet? It’s sea salt!”
I couldn’t help but laugh. Are people really that dumb?
The answer to that question is absolutely yes.
I see things like this all day long working in a restaurant because I am constantly around so many people. The more people you meet, the more you question the future of mankind, trust me.

Think about it, how many idiots do you see daily?

For example, not like this is a secret or anything, but some of the most ridiculously brainless people I have ever seen are in reality television.

There are show where people literally make themselves sick and injure themselves for the purpose of showing people how idiotic they can be. There are staged relationships, flawed physical competitions, and confessionals that basically just have people trying to justify there moronic antics or bad mouth someone who acts the same way they do.

I once saw an entire episode of one show that centered around the fact that one person stole someone elses granola bar, so the other person poured out there energy drinks. For real? How much money and time was wasted on this? Someone should strap all the reality television “stars” to a chair in front of a barney marathon so they learn what they should have learned at the age of five.

What I was trying to say when I went off on my rant about reality TV is the reality that there are alot of stupid people in this world. Sometimes we see them on television, sometimes at work, sometimes walking down the street.

Sometimes you fight with them, trying to show them how dumb they are.

Most of the time I just let it go.

Stupid people never realize they are stupid, they just go on believing that everyone is laughing with them.

on that note I close with this quote…
“What’s Walmart? Do they, like, make walls there?”
-Paris Hilton, The Simple Life

reply with a story of something stupid you had the joy of laughing at 🙂

I hate it when i die from not passing on chain mail…

In Uncategorized on January 26, 2011 at 9:02 pm

Okay so how many of you have waken up to a whole slew of undead children, demented clowns, and various other monsters waiting to murder you at 12:01 because you didn’t spam you’re friends list?

I know I have!
Good thing I seem to have infinite lives or something because Imust ignore those stupid chain messages AT LEAST ten times a day!
But god it throws my whole day off to know that some psychopath has nothing better to do than being introduced to ten of my closest friends…
Honestly? who comes up with these things?
There is some loser on the other side typing..
” eleven year-old sarah was murdered and if you dont send this to the first two hundred people on your friends list than she will come after you for revenge!”

Seriously, I had nothing to do with this pretend preteen victim or her facetious demise. Therefore, I highly doubt she has a bone to pick with me 🙂

Who invented the chain letter?
and what is the point?
Did someone just get the random urge to annoy the entire facebook population one day?
Well, they suceeded..
What if someone seriously needs to warn me about an eleven year old psycho killer and they send it as a mass email? I wont even read it!
So I blame you spammers for my death..
because you cried “psycho” too many times for me to take our generation seriously!

( Note: this post has contained heavy doses of corny sarcasm..please forgive me <3)

“Hey”.. “Hey” “You awake?”.. No I taught myself to text in my sleep.

In Likes on August 18, 2010 at 1:48 am

It’s easy, and entertaining, to make fun of people you aren’t directly talking to!

Especially late at night!

You gotta admit it. You love waking up to the jolt of constant vibrating and/or loud beeping from your cell phone which always seems to be too far away to answer when you are asleep.

Then you open up a text message that says “Hey”

and you think, “Well, I just woke up for nothing…”

but you go against your better judgement, and answer your friend in the most endearing way known to man at this age.


Then they continue to waste your precious dozing hours by being ridiculously retarded.

“You Awake?”

And you think, “No, I taught myself to text in my sleep!”

Instead of pointing out the obvious, you usually reply with the symbolicly angry one-word text,


They usually reply with…

“I can’t sleep”

And you think, “Why? Is someone annoying you with meaningless texts too?”

but ofcourse, as a good friend should, you answer “Why?”

This usually spins into a long dramatic tale about things which do not involve you…

“My boyfriend looked at me wierd today so I asked him what was up but he said nothing was up but I didn’t believe him so I went through his phone and I found a text message smiley face from some girl I don’t know and he said it was his cousin but I didn’t believe that either so I …(continues in unpunctuated physchobabble)”

The texts are usually so long that you fall asleep in between recieving them, and you get angry every time you get a new one, until you finally decide to tell your friend you are going to sleep. Right as you fall back asleep after they send you an “Okay, I understand it’s kinda late”

you get a


you get a little annoyed but decide to send them a final goodnight.

About fifteen minutes later you get another one

“Sorry about keeping you awake, Thanks for all of your help! ”

You decide against replying because that was pretty much the last straw.

*loud beeping and vibrating*

*answers text*

“Hello? Are you mad at me?”