
Archive for July, 2010|Monthly archive page

Talking to someone and then realizing that they are not walking beside you anymore…

In Likes on July 23, 2010 at 9:32 pm

I’ve been known to have full-blown conversations with myself from time to time. I talk continuously when I am walking with someone, and I rarely look at them. So when I am at the mall or a theme park or something and the person I am talking to walks away, I hardly notice…

The worst time for this to happen is when I get really upset and then I just think that the person I am walking with doesn’t care, or doesn’t know what to say. You know that feeling in the pit of your stomach when you say something way out of line over the phone and then the person on the other end doesn’t respond? and then you find out like two minutes later that they fell asleep? That’s what it’s like!

Sometimes I do this to my friends…I’ll wait until they get knee-deep in a crazy conversation and then walk away and try to see how long it takes them to notice (I’ve been left before…).

So how much of the talking that we do is actually meant to be listened to? 

It seems like everyone just keeps talking, even if no one is listening…

That awkward moment when you realize that person is waving at the person behind you.

In Likes on July 8, 2010 at 3:31 am

A smile as wide as the mississippi spreads across your face and you shake your hand excitedly. Then, the person you thought was giving you a healthy dose of ten-second-attention frowns in confusion, because the person they were actually waving at didn’t wave back.

It’s okay when this happens between yourself and a stranger. Think about it, if you find out that they weren’t actually waving at you then you can end your train of thought that is speeding down the tracks of “Do I know him/her?…Why did they wave at me?…am I in the way…etc.”

When the person waving is your friend and they ignore you to wave at someone else, a mighty downpour of nobody-cares-about-me falls right on top of your head.

Want an umbrella?
I care (:

“911 whats your emergancy?” “…my peas touched my potatoes and gravy..arrest them.”

In Likes on July 8, 2010 at 3:23 am

Almost every dinner food leaks some kind of flavor when you put it on the plate. Peas and corn have their butter, meats usually have some kind of sauce. Who likes saucy butter?

About three years ago I wouldn’t be caught dead eating any food that had touched another food! Things just don’t taste the same when they are mixed. The same goes for eating bites of different things all at once. Honestly, I usually finish each part of my dinner seperately. It tastes better that way (:

I hate when I get philly cheesesteak from work and there is pickle juice on the side of my bread because they put a pickle in the frie basket for some odd reason. Bread is THE WORST food to mix other stuff with, because it usually gets soggy. Soggy bread is unbearable!

Wow, I’m getting really angry about this food issue lol
Time to simmer down…
and then be set on a plate away from everything else like things are supposed to…
i need a life (:

The awkwardness of putting a dish in the sink when someone else is washing dishes…

In Likes on July 8, 2010 at 3:07 am

Dread usually acompanies dishwater and that mold you’ve been ignoring for the past…how long has it been now?

Okay, I don’t think anyone actually likes doing dishes…that’s why they invented dishwashers!! So how bad is it when you finish eating at a friends house and your friend is washing the dishes. Suddenly, you are overjoyed that you don’t have to wash your dish, but you hate the fact that you have to make your laziness known by putting the dish in the sink when your friend is slaving over the terrible task.

Suck it up or wash it yourself, right?
nah, tell your friend their mom wants them and toss it in there when they walk away (:

Umm…Ke$ha, I don’t think “love” is the only drug you’re on…

In Likes on July 8, 2010 at 3:00 am

When every other lyric is about a trip, you know there is something wrong with an artist.

Ke$ha has some issues, I’ll give you that…but hey, she is crazy popular.

I am a karaoke dj, and you would not believe the number of times that I get 10 year old girls running at me and asking to sing tik tok…However, I have to turn them down. My boss frowns upon innocent little girls singing about going to jail and getting drunk. Shame on him (:

Don’t get me wrong, I love Ke$ha. It’s just that Im not sure we will ever get her to actually look alert during one of her own music videos…

I’m not being sarcastic about the love part, I rock out to ke$ha music for hours on end ❤

don't hate (:

Hi spider, nice spider, let me pet you … WITH MY SHOE …good spider

In Likes on July 8, 2010 at 1:51 am

Eight prickly, quick little legs and a disgusting body to match…I HATE SPIDERS!

Whenever I go camping, I am terrified to walk from the camping spot all the way to the public bathroom because of the banana spider nests that seem to cover every sqaure inch of forest. I don’t know, call me crazy but I am afraid that one of them will have built a web that stretchs acrossed the whole walkway while the sun was going down.

My luck, there will be a web in the middle of the walkway. However, there will be more than one spider!

Ugh, I don’t even want to think about it…

and yet, here I sit writing about it…

I think florida park service should murder all of the banana spiders in the park, continuously. Maybe their camping business will boom!

Sorry to you all out there that ❤ spiders…
Why don't you just take them all home?

When I’m bored, nobody texts me, but when I’m busy, my phone blows up!

In Likes on July 8, 2010 at 1:38 am

Most of the time, I sit around for hours hoping that someone will be bored enough to text me a quick “hello” or “how’s life been?” , but no one ever does. When I am at work, however, I get 20000 urgent text messages that I can’t reply to!
My coworkers laugh at me because I will be taking an order and suddenly get really irritated and try to text without my boss catching me. All of the people texting me start to think the worst (i.e. I’m ignoring them, I lost my phone, I got a new phone, zombies ate my brains…the usual). It takes me forever to convince them that I was just busy.
And then there are the times when I am trying to go to sleep and I get text messages from people I don’t even talk to anymore. I ignore them and then they just keep texting me! Then, I finally face the fact that they aren’t going to quit. I text them back and then they don’t text me. Usually I get a text in the morning that says “Sorry, I fell asleep”.
Gotta love the irony of life (:

When I was a kid, I hated going to bed…now I cherish every hour of sleep!

In Likes on July 6, 2010 at 1:28 am

                   It’s like you close your eyes and the alarm goes off, right? Nights just aren’t as long as they used to be!

          I remember pitching a fit about having to go to sleep once upon a time. I would give anything to be able to go to sleep at eight o’clock without a care in the world again. It just never happens!

           Sometimes, I get the foolish idea to set a schedule for myself and try to get to bed by a reasonable hour. This ends in disaster! I end up missing deadlines, ticking off my boyfriend, going hungry, missing the season finale of my favorite show, or any of the other millions of teenage catastrophes! The list goes on. Basically,  I walk around in a sort of zombie haze because my days stretch halfway into my nights and my nights can never even last until the beginning of a new day.

There should be a sleeping holiday! Problem solved (:

“Eww this is nasty…taste it!”

In Likes on July 6, 2010 at 12:42 am

         Ah, the joys of a completely tangled and exciting society! Does it make any sense? Any of it? I love when you catch a wiff of the newest walmart perfume and go on a tirade about how terribly unbearable it is and then ask your best friend to endure the torture as well. Good times, good times,

         I guess we do this to get the opinion of other people on what we think is really horrible. But why would someone who saw you in pain/disgust want to go through that? The funny thing is, most of the time they do it anyways lol.
             So if you fall off of your bed and get a giant bruise, be sure to push your friend off too, just to make sure it hurt as much as you think it did. (I’m just kidding…unless your friend laughs at you then it is perfectly acceptable).

              No really, play nice (:

“I’m leaving the house now!” …Jk I’m still doing my hair lol

In Likes on July 6, 2010 at 12:21 am

       Washing, Blow-drying, straightening, pinning, tying…so many things to do and never enough time to do any of them! For once, wouldn’t it be nice to leave the house with your hair looking just the way you wanted it. You try your hardest to model your hair red-carpet-like and unfrizzed (completely ignoring the fact that this kind of hair is only achieved through airbrushed photos) and it never works. It’s a hard knock life for a teenage girl (:

       Laugh if you will, but I’m being serious! It’s not like things are not difficult enough, add flyaways and the everyday clumps of eyeliner in the corner of your eye and its the perfect recipe for a big steaming pot of home-grown disaster! Wow, I’m dramatic…maybe I should quit while I’m ahead… lol