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“Hey”.. “Hey” “You awake?”.. No I taught myself to text in my sleep.

In Likes on August 18, 2010 at 1:48 am

It’s easy, and entertaining, to make fun of people you aren’t directly talking to!

Especially late at night!

You gotta admit it. You love waking up to the jolt of constant vibrating and/or loud beeping from your cell phone which always seems to be too far away to answer when you are asleep.

Then you open up a text message that says “Hey”

and you think, “Well, I just woke up for nothing…”

but you go against your better judgement, and answer your friend in the most endearing way known to man at this age.


Then they continue to waste your precious dozing hours by being ridiculously retarded.

“You Awake?”

And you think, “No, I taught myself to text in my sleep!”

Instead of pointing out the obvious, you usually reply with the symbolicly angry one-word text,


They usually reply with…

“I can’t sleep”

And you think, “Why? Is someone annoying you with meaningless texts too?”

but ofcourse, as a good friend should, you answer “Why?”

This usually spins into a long dramatic tale about things which do not involve you…

“My boyfriend looked at me wierd today so I asked him what was up but he said nothing was up but I didn’t believe him so I went through his phone and I found a text message smiley face from some girl I don’t know and he said it was his cousin but I didn’t believe that either so I …(continues in unpunctuated physchobabble)”

The texts are usually so long that you fall asleep in between recieving them, and you get angry every time you get a new one, until you finally decide to tell your friend you are going to sleep. Right as you fall back asleep after they send you an “Okay, I understand it’s kinda late”

you get a


you get a little annoyed but decide to send them a final goodnight.

About fifteen minutes later you get another one

“Sorry about keeping you awake, Thanks for all of your help! ”

You decide against replying because that was pretty much the last straw.

*loud beeping and vibrating*

*answers text*

“Hello? Are you mad at me?”

Neighbors who don’t password protect there wifi (:

In Likes on August 16, 2010 at 10:55 pm

Need *twitch* Facebook *Twitch*


I hate when I go to my friends house with my computer and they don’t have wifi. I then try to connect to something with a perfect signal nearby and it’s freaking password protected!!

But then there are those magical moments when you can get a perfect internet connection, and blog in peace.

OR you wait until you go to your completely dead monday night karaoke job and suck on the company internet (maybe that’s just me haha)

The world should just have free wifi for everyone, everywhere (:

would’nt that be nifty?

just peek through your neighbors curtains if you have twenty-twenty vision and see if you can decipher the code on their router…

(make sure the chosen neighbor is not a fellow creeper or you may find yourself just staring back at them…)

if your lucky, the computer is by the window!

happy creeping (:

Pretending to look around the room when you make eye contact

In Likes on August 15, 2010 at 3:10 am

Really? I saw you…I don’t know why your pretending you didn’t just look at me..

Everyone has been on one end of one of those. You look at someone and then they suddenly look at you, so you pretend you were taking a casual glance around the room.

They give you this face like  “Excuse me? Is there some reason your eyes are attached to my face?” and then you look all “Don’t flatter yourself, I was making eyes at that tree behind you!”. I love how completely clueless we act like everyone is.

SO the next time you are looking at someone and they look at you, just continue to look. Don’t be ashamed, let them be the one’s to look away first!


Sorry for filling the internet with me dorkish babble

till next time !

stare happily (:

You never realize how many bad words are in a song until you listen to it with your parents…

In Likes on August 3, 2010 at 12:12 am

“I never beepity beep beep and beep beep beep…” At this point in the song, you get the feeling you should change the CD or at least stare out of the window like you’re not listening to the massive amounts of profanity pouring from the mouth of your favorite artist. It’s funny how the words are treated like nothing when you listen to this by yourself, so you don’t think anything is wrong when the music starts. As the song progresses you can nearly feel the dissapointment and shock rolling off of your parents in huge waves. Maybe taking control of the radio for once wasn’t worth the thoughts swirling in there head now…

Parents like to remain oblivious to the fact that there kids don’t exactly sing wheels on the bus while they are driving to work. It helps with the fantasy notion that their children will never grow up. When that little bubble is awkwardly burst by the truely mature nature of one of your favorite songs, duck and cover for a parental control explosion!

At this point, realization is crashing on them that the children of this generation grow up faster than child stars between seasons of a TV show. They will do anything and everything to stop it!

So do yourself a favor, play along..

the next time you get the urge to blast some eminem in the car with your mom, put on some T.swift instead…

whatever you do, stay away from the ke$ha!
