
Posts Tagged ‘cell phone’

When I’m bored, nobody texts me, but when I’m busy, my phone blows up!

In Likes on July 8, 2010 at 1:38 am

Most of the time, I sit around for hours hoping that someone will be bored enough to text me a quick “hello” or “how’s life been?” , but no one ever does. When I am at work, however, I get 20000 urgent text messages that I can’t reply to!
My coworkers laugh at me because I will be taking an order and suddenly get really irritated and try to text without my boss catching me. All of the people texting me start to think the worst (i.e. I’m ignoring them, I lost my phone, I got a new phone, zombies ate my brains…the usual). It takes me forever to convince them that I was just busy.
And then there are the times when I am trying to go to sleep and I get text messages from people I don’t even talk to anymore. I ignore them and then they just keep texting me! Then, I finally face the fact that they aren’t going to quit. I text them back and then they don’t text me. Usually I get a text in the morning that says “Sorry, I fell asleep”.
Gotta love the irony of life (: