
Posts Tagged ‘freelance’

“Eww this is nasty…taste it!”

In Likes on July 6, 2010 at 12:42 am

         Ah, the joys of a completely tangled and exciting society! Does it make any sense? Any of it? I love when you catch a wiff of the newest walmart perfume and go on a tirade about how terribly unbearable it is and then ask your best friend to endure the torture as well. Good times, good times,

         I guess we do this to get the opinion of other people on what we think is really horrible. But why would someone who saw you in pain/disgust want to go through that? The funny thing is, most of the time they do it anyways lol.
             So if you fall off of your bed and get a giant bruise, be sure to push your friend off too, just to make sure it hurt as much as you think it did. (I’m just kidding…unless your friend laughs at you then it is perfectly acceptable).

              No really, play nice (:

“I’m leaving the house now!” …Jk I’m still doing my hair lol

In Likes on July 6, 2010 at 12:21 am

       Washing, Blow-drying, straightening, pinning, tying…so many things to do and never enough time to do any of them! For once, wouldn’t it be nice to leave the house with your hair looking just the way you wanted it. You try your hardest to model your hair red-carpet-like and unfrizzed (completely ignoring the fact that this kind of hair is only achieved through airbrushed photos) and it never works. It’s a hard knock life for a teenage girl (:

       Laugh if you will, but I’m being serious! It’s not like things are not difficult enough, add flyaways and the everyday clumps of eyeliner in the corner of your eye and its the perfect recipe for a big steaming pot of home-grown disaster! Wow, I’m dramatic…maybe I should quit while I’m ahead… lol

That point in summer when you can’t even remember what day it is…

In Likes on July 6, 2010 at 12:08 am

                     Summer flies by in a flash of bikinis and fireworks (well, in our case lately it’s been raindrops and oil spills)…but anyways, the point is that it’s hard to keep an eye on the calendar like you do during the school year. What if you don’t go to school? I just graduated, and it’s like the calendar doesn’t even exist anymore. You know you’re lost when you wake up to fireworks and you didn’t even know that it was the fourth of July!

             It’s funny that it’s so easy to lose track in a society so based on deadlines. Some people float around not even knowing what time of DAY it is, let alone what day of the week it is. I’m talking about the people who get up off the couch and look out the window and say, “Wow the sun’s awfully bright this morning!” at five in the afternoon.

             I wish I could wake up that late! My days are generally : wake up, work, eat, work, eat, shower, work, eat, homework,  sleep for two hours.

             Life is ridiculous.

What’s the point of “The Like Blog”? and where did the name come from?

In Likes on July 5, 2010 at 11:26 pm

How many people on facebook start up these little pages with a relatable headline and hook millions? Liking things on facebook is becoming hotter than ke$ha starring in the next twilight movie with justin beiber (…she isn’t btw lol). The point is, “liking” is such a trend that I figured I would take some of the things that my friends and I liked and write about them (:
this should be fun!