
Posts Tagged ‘love is my drug’

Umm…Ke$ha, I don’t think “love” is the only drug you’re on…

In Likes on July 8, 2010 at 3:00 am

When every other lyric is about a trip, you know there is something wrong with an artist.

Ke$ha has some issues, I’ll give you that…but hey, she is crazy popular.

I am a karaoke dj, and you would not believe the number of times that I get 10 year old girls running at me and asking to sing tik tok…However, I have to turn them down. My boss frowns upon innocent little girls singing about going to jail and getting drunk. Shame on him (:

Don’t get me wrong, I love Ke$ha. It’s just that Im not sure we will ever get her to actually look alert during one of her own music videos…

I’m not being sarcastic about the love part, I rock out to ke$ha music for hours on end ❤

don't hate (: